From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

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Exercise 3: Tongue roll

Exercise 3: Tongue roll

- This next exercise I call the tongue roll. No, you don't eat your tongue. Okay so you put the tip of your tongue resting against the back of your bottom teeth and then we're gonna roll your tongue forward, hold it there a moment and bring it back in and swallow. Notice with there's these three tongue exercises we're gonna be doing. We've already done one, this is the second one. Every time you bring your tongue back in, you've got to swallow because that resets the base of your tongue. We're stretching it and then resetting it. Here's the basics of how it goes and then I'll show you some other things about it. Okay so again, tip of tongue rests against the back of the bottom teeth. I'll go sideways. Swallow. Remember what I said earlier in the basics on the tongue how the tongue can subdivide? I don't want you pushing the tongue out from the back. That's going to create too much tension and it will pull on your larynx and we don't want that to happen. We're trying to isolate the…
