From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

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Exercise 4 coaching: Enhancing vocal range and tone (oow)

Exercise 4 coaching: Enhancing vocal range and tone (oow)

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

Exercise 4 coaching: Enhancing vocal range and tone (oow)

- Here's the melody you're going to be using with the oow. (lilting piano music) I've chosen this melody because as you can tell, it has these different intervals and it will give you the opportunity of syncing and using your lips to smooth out the use of range and so expand your range and gain more range where you can sing it effortlessly. (lilting piano music) We put the lips here. Here's my demonstration as well. (lilting piano music) ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow oow oow oow ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow On this note, you may want to pull your lips forward. ♫ Oow oow oow Pull ♫ Oooow oow ♫ Oow oow Try it with me. ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow Again. ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow All right. Now we're gonna do the exercise together. (lilting piano music) Lips in an oow, big breath into the back. (lilting piano music) And let's begin. (inhales softly) ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow oow oow oow ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow (lilting piano music) Breath. ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow oow oow oow ♫ Oow oow oow oow oow (lilting piano music)…
