From the course: Vocal Lessons: 1 Warm Ups and Cool Downs

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Exercise 4: Serpent tongue

Exercise 4: Serpent tongue

- This third tongue exercise I call, "the serpent tongue." Once again, you don't do a lot of this in a row. You can do it again later in the day, just not more than three times. The basic moves are this, your tongue comes out, past your bottom lip, you maintain it there, then we slowly bring it to one side, back to center, slowly to the other, back to center, bring it back in your mouth, and swallow. As I mentioned in the earlier exercise, don't push the tongue out from the back. That will strain a lot of muscles, so be cautious. In fact, I'd rather that at first, until you get familiar with this, that you play it a little more cautiously and don't stretch your tongue out quite so much, that maybe you'd be able to, just to make sure that you don't end up pushing from the back. Think of pulling the tongue out from the front instead. So this is what it looks like, and I get to stick my tongue out at you. Alright, so you open your mouth first. Swallow. Okay, you want to take it with me?…
