From the course: Vocal Production for Voice-Overs and Podcasts

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DAW setup and parameters

DAW setup and parameters

- [Instructor] So now that we've got our mic and our room set up and they exist in their space and the mic is pointed at my face, which is also a very important aspect of recording vocals and voice for podcasts and voiceover, let's talk about how we are going to set up our DAW. So it's actually really simple the way I like to set things up for vocal recording. First of all, I like to have a track for everyone who is recording. Let's do a second one. Let's call that input two. I'll create that there. And this will be my imaginary friend. And we could set that on input. If we had anyone here, we don't at the moment. Now here's another thing. If you're recording your podcast or something like that via Zoom or anything like that, it's really important that you slate things and that you get some sort of a time code going. So there are a lot of different ways that you can slate stuff. You can have something that plays…
