From the course: Vocal Production Techniques: Editing and Mixing in Logic Pro

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Editing breaths, mouth noise, and pops

Editing breaths, mouth noise, and pops

- [Narrator] Breathing correctly is a big part of singing, and you will undoubtedly have inhales and exhales along with the actual singing on any vocal recording you make. Depending on your stylistic decisions, you may need to reduce, remove, or sometimes even add breaths to make your vocal part work in the context of your song. Once you've made your final comp, there will be mouth noises and even some stray plosives or low frequency hits during B or P syllables. Let's go over some techniques on how to deal with breaths, mouth noises, and plosives to make your vocal edit clean without sounding unnatural. So here's our final comp in logic. I'm showing all of the comp parts, but I can close the disclosure triangle to show the final comp track. Let me solo this comp track and let's listen to how it sounds. Again, this is completely unedited, so you're gonna hear mouth noises and maybe doubled up breaths and things like that in between all the edits. So I'm gonna go ahead and solo the…
