From the course: Vocal Production Techniques: Editing and Mixing in Logic Pro

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Using modulation effects to enhance vocals

Using modulation effects to enhance vocals

- [Instructor] When we think of delay, we think of audible echo effects. But when you speed up the delay to the point where you no longer hear individual repeats, and alter the pitch of those repeats, you enter a whole new class of effects processing. We call these modulation effects. Here we'll look at three flavors of modulation, phaser, flanger and chorus, all of which can add some different tonality and texture to our vocal sound. Phaser, the top plug-in here and flanger, the left one on the bottom here, are very similar in how they work. With both effects, what we hear is a network of delays that change their repeat time values using an LFO in very small amounts that vary over time, and then those are blended back with a dry signal. The difference technically between a phaser and a flanger has to do with what kind of filter each delay network passes through. Phasers go through an all pass filter, resulting in a different sonic texture than the flanger effect, which does not go…
