From the course: Voice-Over for Video and Animation

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How to be a professional voice artist

How to be a professional voice artist

From the course: Voice-Over for Video and Animation

How to be a professional voice artist

- You've discovered that you have a gift for voices, or maybe everyone tells you that you sound like an announcer. If you want to try your hand at being a voice actor, here's a few things to know, and a few steps that you're going to need to take. Like any profession, you should get training. Look into acting classes, and specifically if there's voice acting classes, take those too but any kind of acting will help you. You should also practice your craft whenever you get a chance. Whether it's being a part of improv in comedy shows, or acting live on stage or practicing a lot of VEO sessions. Then you need to also continuously update your demo reel and your website. Of course that means you need to create a demo reel in a website. When you're putting those together, only include your absolute best work. Good is not good enough. If you've got three of your best pieces and three so-so pieces, you're going to be judged on the so-so pieces. Never show anything less than your absolute…
