From the course: Voice-Over for Video and Animation

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How to find clients

How to find clients

- You can be the best voice actor in the industry, but if no one knows it, you won't get any calls. To find clients, you need to reach out to them. And, you need to be where they look for voice actors. So, reach out to producers, and talent and casting agents. And, share what you can do. Try to find representation. You should also build your own website, and in it, use searchable key words. So people can find you on a general Google search. Look into the big online voice acting sites. And, register with them. You can register with as many as you want, unless they specifically state otherwise. But, why not spread it out? The more chance people can find you. And, as we've discussed in other videos. Some of the biggest sites are,,,,, and You should also research how other actors describe themselves online, and in these services. And, how they put their samples together. And then, replicate all that…
