From the course: What Not to Do on Change Work
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Look across the organization at all the changes
From the course: What Not to Do on Change Work
Look across the organization at all the changes
- Don't you just love when you find out the hard work you're doing, someone else is working on the exact same thing in their department and didn't tell you. I know that surely frustrates me, especially when we all work for the same organization. Like, look what happened here. Okay team, I'm so excited. We get to talk about improving employee satisfaction, so let's talk some ideas. - Just do what marketing does. They have a party every week. - Marketing's doing something for employee satisfaction? - Oh yeah, they always do something. We tried that last year and it didn't work out so well. The pizza party was a huge waste of money. - Okay, I get it. Don't waste the budget. - Why are we working on this? Just let every area do their own thing. Why do we have to be involved? - Yes, those statistics that leadership posts trying to prove we're a great place to work for, it's funny they don't align with our internal…
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