From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Add building blocks to a template

Add building blocks to a template

- [Instructor] The whole idea behind a template is that we have something we can use over and over again. I have a version of the Solar Farm Report in the exercise files, chapter four folder, called solarfarmreport-types and this is the first template that we've actually opened like this by double clicking. And notice that it's as if we chose file new. It's being opened for us as a document, so I am immediately going to choose file and save as and I'm going to save this. It doesn't really matter where you choose because as soon as I choose word template of course, it's going to the right place. And I'm going to save this again as solar farm report. I can also create folders within custom office templates if I wish to be able to provide more structure, if I have lots of templates that I'm storing locally. But again, as soon as you have a template that you're sharing, you too should be using the shared location, not…
