From the course: Word: Templates in Depth (Microsoft 365)

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Save a Word template

Save a Word template

- [Instructor] This is a document that I could fill in the recipient name, the fax number, and so on and print and use this. But before I do that, I want to save this as a template rather than as a document. And this is the distinction right here, how we save it. I'm going to go to file and choose save as. I'm going to choose browse so that I have a dialogue box open, and I'm going to change my save as type to Word Template. When I do that, automatically, Microsoft Word will switch the destination of my save to the custom office templates folder that is appropriate for me. So, I don't need to change it back and right now I shouldn't, because this is one of the locations where Word will automatically look for a document when I look for templates. So I am going to call this KinetEco fax cover, it's probably good enough for now. I'm the author, I can save a thumbnail of it if I wish and I'm going to, and I'm going to…
