From the course: Writing a Tech Resume

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Contact information

Contact information

- One of them most important parts of your resume is your contact information because it tells recruiters where you are currently living and how they can best reach you. In some instances, your location will make or break whether you get a job interview. Some companies are looking for a local candidate, while others are more open to candidates from all across the world. So it's important to list your contact information in a prominent location. But which contact information should you include on your resume? The first piece of information that you list should be your full name. If you have a middle name or a middle initial, this is optional. You may use your legal first name, or if you typically go by a shortened version, you may list that too. For example, if your name is Katherine, but you typically go by Kate, it's appropriate to include Kate as your first name, but you shouldn't include your nickname. It's…
