From the course: Xcode 15 Essential Training

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Using Quick Help and documentation

Using Quick Help and documentation - Xcode Tutorial

From the course: Xcode 15 Essential Training

Using Quick Help and documentation

- [Instructor] The Quick Help inspector can be very helpful when you're developing in Xcode, all you have to do to access it is click on some kind of code object that has documentation for it. Usually, this is anything that's not one of your custom objects in your project. You can access the Quick Help inspector in the inspector's area, and then you'll find the Quick Help inspector in the middle, it's the icon with the question mark on it. So right now, you can see that it's empty. But if I go in my code, for example, in ContentView, and I click on some kind of code object that's part of SwiftUI, like VStack, you'll notice that it automatically updates with information about what a VStack is and how it's used, including code examples. Some of the text in Quick Help is in links. So if I see LazyVStack right here, I can hover over that and see that it's a link. If I click on that, it actually opens up the full documentation for LazyVStack. So I can see code examples in here, and then…
