From the course: Xcode 15 Essential Training

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Working with files

Working with files

- [Instructor] Working with files efficiently can greatly increase your productivity in Xcode, whether that's memorizing useful keyboard shortcuts or working with files in the Project Navigator. When it comes to keyboard shortcuts, one I found useful is the "open quickly" keyboard shortcut, which is accessed using Shift+Command+O. From the menu there, you can start to type the name of the file, for example, "First, and then press Return when it's selected. So I've used my keyboard to go down here, and then you can get to that file immediately. If ya need to, you can also customize that keyboard shortcut as we've talked about previously, in Xcode Settings. Outside of opening files using that keyboard shortcut, we've been opening all files in tabs in the Project Navigator. You can see "First_AppApp" is open right here. Tabs in Xcode work like tabs in a lot of other coding applications, in that single-clicking on a file will show a preview of the file with italicized text in the tab…
