The “Renn Bosman” of the drone industry. Instructor | Chief Remote Pilot | Remote Sensing | Asset Management | Tier 1 Solutions SME
The Pilbara was angry that day my friends.. some of you might get the Seinfeld reference there but one point I want to make here is the amount of wear on the propellers. Depending on the environment, you need to adjust your maintenance schedule. This iron ore dust has worn down the leading edge of these propellers in just 1 week. This amount of wear in a more vegetative or forested area might take years. #drones #safety #maintenance #data #CASA #rpas #survey #inspection #drillandblast #mining #australia Interspacial Aviation RePL Training Skylink Systems Pty Ltd
Whaou experienceca retenir en fonction du temps et des endroits à survoler