Pantaloons Welcomes new journeys with the new Aarambh Onboarding Kit! ⭐️ Each item in this kit is thoughtfully curated to equip our new team members with the essentials they need to hit the ground running. It’s more than just a kit—it’s the first step in building strong connections, fostering growth, and embracing the Pantaloons spirit. Arun Rajan Ankit Khanuja Aditya Vaddi Dhiren Varia Radha Y #Pantaloons #Onboarding #NewBeginnings #Aarambh #BestBrandsBestPeople #ABFRL
Great to see Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd. thoughtful approach to welcoming new joiners with these well-curated kits!!! Gifting like this, goes a long way in making new employees feel valued and motivated from day one. A welcome kit that reflects a company's values not only sets the tone for their journey ahead but also fosters a sense of belonging and enthusiasm. Kudos to the team for making this a priority!!!
Thank you for the journey! The simplicity of this video has my attention. Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd.
Please update vacancy. Dm
Exciting to see Pantaloons investing in their new team members with a thoughtful onboarding kit!
Impressive growth!
Great news! I have very interested
Rohit Gusain 👏👏
Exciting to see Pantaloons investing in their new team members with a thoughtful onboarding kit!