Watershed Management…
Watershed management is the study of the relevant characteristics of a watershed aimed at the sustainable distribution of its resources and the process of creating and implementing plans, programs and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and human communities within the watershed boundary.Features of a watershed that agencies seek to manage to include water supply, water quality, drainage, stormwater runoff, water rights and the overall planning and utilization of watersheds. Landowners, land use agencies, stormwater management experts, environmental specialists, water use surveyors and communities all play an integral part in watershed management.
Vegetation or plants play a vital role in conserving the natural resources of a watershed such as soil and water. The underground components of the plants such as roots spread within the soil and thereby stabilize and reinforce the soil. This generally leads to soil conservation. The water infiltrates below the ground through the voids in the soil as well as through the interface between the root surface and the soil. The terrestrial components of plants such as stems, branches and leaves prevent the soil below it from getting directly exposed to sunlight as well as to the impact of raindrops. Thus, a significant part of the momentum and energy in rainwater is absorbed and thereby inducing/ accelerating the downward movement of rainwater through stem flow and infiltration. On one hand this process creates water bodies like the groundwater reservoirs and rivers, which are good sources of water and nutrients required for plant growth. On the other hand, this process also substantially reduces the soil erosion and the surface flow velocity of storm water.
#snsinstitutions #snsdesignthinkers #snsdesignthinking
Principal at Acorn Engineering, Inc
1moCheers to Katharine Wojcik for taking all the great conference pictures!