What makes you the right person for the job? Your story. The story of who you are is what makes you unique. It explains not just 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 you do, but 𝙬𝙝𝙮 you do it. Your story gives you an authenticity that potential clients and recruiters can’t resist. Some stories are so inspiring that they absolutely need to be told. I recently met Dilip Kherajani, who is looking for a permanent job and understands that a great LinkedIn profile is key to securing a great role. He wanted my help constructing a profile to land him his dream job. Now, Dilip has great credentials – he’s a well-qualified accountant, with an impressive career history. But when he told me the fascinating story of his journey to success, I realised he had something truly special to offer and it needed to be shared. I helped him write an article about his life to attach to his LinkedIn profile. This gives him a unique selling point, making him stand out from the crowd. You can read Dilip's story here: http://bit.ly/2QJsIYb Your story could do the same for you. It’s one of your most valuable assets. Don’t be afraid to use it... Do you need your story told the right way for LinkedIn? I’m always here to help. Karen Tisdell #linkedinprofilewriter 📧 Karen@TisdellCareers.com
Facts tell stories sell!
Love it Karen Tisdell, stories sell and facts tell! The human connection is what gets us further.
Love that you listen Karen Tisdell and bring out the best from people like Dilip. We are extremely fortunate to get unlimited access to stories like this. Much respect to Dilip for his willingness for not giving up. I can relate to his Mom, a true hero, supporting him with unconditional love and ‘letting him go’. Powerful 🔥
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. Your message and his. Thank you for sharing Karen Tisdell
Very informative, Karen Tisdell
What a powerful story.. fantastic insight into Dilip. I think as employers we sometimes forget that we’re hiring people with story’s and not just a cv full of skills. Thanks for sharing Karen
Wonderful story - thanks for sharing Karen Tisdell, Dilip Kherajani
Karen Tisdell Wonderful story!! I had a similar experience recently with a client. Jennifer Brett this one’s for you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Karen Tisdell you must feel incredibly proud for helping people to bring out their stories like Dilip!
Snr HRBP @ Snowflake APAC | Builder of high-performing teams | Hirer of impressive Cloud Talent | Connector | Leadership & Career Transition Coach | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020 | EDISC Practitioner
5yWhat a fantastic way of getting across the human element Karen Tisdell