Most filmmakers knew Lynch for sexy noir cinematic greatness. I became a fan for different reason: The David Lynch Foundation
In striving to be a better screenwriter with the double whammy of being deployed and female… I discovered that his foundation was the ONLY legit resource for artistic excellence in film that was accessible, for free, with zero bureaucracy, for veterans, even female ones.
Lynch started one of the only .orgs I’ve ever found that did not exploit, control or mansplain to me. Because of Lynch, I FINALLY leaned to how meditate like a pro.
Until, during aerial firefighting training in 2015, when, like so many other unmarried women in my unit, I was drugged, raped and left for dead by my “Band of Brothers” (allegedly 🙄)
The abuse continues today, it’s a sport really. A side hobby for comfortable bureaucrats whose salaries, flight hours and golf games you foot a massive tax bill for while they violate the most basic Geneva Conventions again their own airmen to intentionally disable survivors for life.
I have witnessed first hand how It’s the primary reason women veterans are dying by suicide at 12 times the rate of civilians. If this is you or someone you know don’t feel bad. Any human can be broken by a highly trained team of abusers, as long as congress continues to look the other way.
What I learned from Lynch’s Foundation became the foundation of my survival strategy for the last decade.
Because of Lynch. (plus the world class POW training given to high risk of capture aviators) I’m still alive, while other victims of my command are not.
Don’t feel bad if you can’t mediate in silence. After violent trauma you may need headphones, blankeys, eye mask, grounding sheet plus some delta/theta waves and CBD/THC to find stillness again. But it CAN be done. And once you find a new system of survival, and a new rhythm, you WILL be a better writer. And perhaps, most importantly, a braver human.
I never met Lynch (though of course I always hoped to be a “good enough” filmmaker to earn that privilege). I was too simple too country and too to blue collar to really understand his films.
And yet, he saved my life.
I can’t imagine a better epitaph.
Director-writer David Lynch, who radicalized American film with with a dark, surrealistic artistic vision in films like “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive” and network television with “Twin Peaks,” has died. He was 78.
Kenyan Filmmaker, TV/Radio Producer, Director, Cinematographer and Editor.
3wThe film world has lost a gem!