This company shut down 5 months ago. Why? Web performance. Every purple box indicates a React render on the page, totalling up to ~0.1s for one small interaction. Most React / Next.js are slow (likely yours as well!). Slow websites cause users to leave your website. You're likely losing tons of sales for every 1s your site takes to load. But hiring engineers to solve performance issues is both: 1. Hard to find 2. Expensive $$$ Luckily we fixed that for you at 1% the cost. We created Million Lint - a tool that automatically helps you fix React / Next.js performance issues. Optimize your site now ->
Highly doubt it was app performance. Business issue for sure. Many apps out there make millions and aren't performant at all. Actual apps in practice are far from the ideal. Perfection kills business.
In need of such products. It will be of really great help for folks building solo.
Pretty cool tool. I noticed a small bug in your landing page when you switch to Dark Mode, the animation in the background starts flashing 😵
I recently tested Million a little bit and its really amazing for me so far
Looks like this company’s web performance was slower than my Monday mornings!
Hmm. Transparent boxes. I could not count the ammount of hardware render windows.
Performance is generally an afterthought
CTO at Vuuh | Posting about startups, tech and everything indie (game dev and business)
3moYeah, that's not it. Businesses shut down from the faulty business model and not being able to sell enough to cover their costs. That comes from not having product market fit. Sure, it can be argued that frontend performance has an impact, but it's not THE reason a customer chooses a competitor. If that would be the case, a lot of enterprise tools should not exist. But they do and are raking in billions.