I help leaders build liberatory cultures so their teams can become more unified so they can focus on their mission and do great work together. Looking for Co-Conspirators to Change the World.
Stephanie Zhong is an entrepreneur brand whisperer, y'all! Steph has this amazing ability to help you find the gold of the work you are trying to put out in the world. She breathes new breath into entrepreneurs and helps people to step into their brilliance and take up space. If you're an entrepreneur, definitely check out this upcoming workshop. Steph is absolutely the real deal!
Brand Storyteller & Human Design Coach for Visionaries ⚡️ Guiding purpose-led leaders and coaches to amplify income and impact and lead without burnout -- by being their true selves.
A Brand North Star isn't just a concept—it's your messaging engine. It encapsulates your thought leadership ideas, mirrors your creator identity, and weaves your brilliance and ethos into every product and service you offer. If you've been struggling to capture your ethos and brilliance into words that ignite your audience, register for my upcoming Brand Your Brilliance workshop. Sign up at bit.ly/bebrilliant2023