Helping Highly Sensitive female business owners thrive without exhaustion, so they have the time, energy & headspace to have more fun | The Flourish Method Group 120 day Group Programme | Podcast - Bounce Out Of Bed
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." In every 1 on 1 client session, we begin with pausing for applause. Stopping to celebrate the wins. All the good things. All the things they navigated. What astounds me is how much our brains are wired to negative thought and for busy, ambitious women, the to-do list is endless. You get to the end of the day and instead of saying ‘F*%k I’m awesome, you think of all the things you STILL have to do. It’s exhausting. The more you pause for applause the more you find to pause for applause for! I see it every time. In ‘Your Magnificent Journey’, my 1 on 1 90 day signature program, each online session begins with a pause for applause, without fail. And what I see is how excited my clients get when they get to stop and think about what they DID do. And… how the list grows so much over the time we work together. What you focus on expands. Of course it’s not the only thing we do, but it’s one of the things past clients say had a big impact. What ways do you stop to pause for applause and celebrate things?