Empowering Businesses Through Culture & People | Chief Culture Officer at trueU & ML Talent Strategies
As the year draws to a close, it's a moment to reflect on something truly special – our company culture. In many ways, it's the heartbeat of our organization. It shapes how we work, interact, and thrive together. This past year, our culture has been a source of strength, resilience, and innovation. It's what's brought our teams closer despite any challenges. It's fueled our determination, creativity, and collaboration. But reflection isn't just about looking back; it's about planning for the future. How can we continue to nurture and strengthen our culture in the year ahead? What new traditions, values, or initiatives should we embrace? At #trueU, we're excited to be on this journey with you, as together we craft a culture that elevates our people and drives our success. As we reflect on the year behind us, what's one aspect of your company's culture that you're particularly proud of? Share your thoughts! Ashley Scruggs Courtney Montfort Courtney Preste Jayce Everling Danielle Barker, SHRM-CP Amanda Clark-Wahl Debbie Meek Franquie Toothman Mackenzie Pickerrell Danielle Shockey Robert Kort Mike Clohessy Jimmy Rayford Stephanie (Chamberlain) DiBlasio, SPHR, SHRM-SCP Sarah Hanson Steph Neale Jodi Virgil, PHR, SHRM-CP Randie Dial Scott Heinemeyer Scott Whitaker Tiffany O'Brien Dan Dezelan Lindsay Fernandez, LEED AP Brandon Reeve Kendra Harter, MSL SHRM-CP Lindsay Carter, SHRM-SCP Hannah Wiscaver, PHR,SHRM-CP Jess Campbell Ashley Bailey Lindsey Kesler Eric Glanders #CompanyCulture #YearInReview #FutureForward
Amber Fields This year, we made so many strides in our culture journey Dealers Wholesale. (And we just so happened to have the best sales year in our 60 years and the highest retention rate we have had in years - go figure). I know you asked for one thing but I’ll offer 3 things that we worked on this year: 1. Culture of Learning (all leaders full year development curriculum, small group emerging leader program, trueU leadership program, ESL, Crucial Conversations certification, etc.) 2. Culture of Good (community focused service - packed 17,000+ meals for our service day) 3. Culture of Celebration (impromptu, leader empowered celebrations throughout the year, initiated an annual Dealers day) Always striving to get and do better so we will keep these elements of our culture and add even more in ‘24!
Rush Memorial Hospital is filled to the brim with people who truly care….They care about their patients and the families of patients, but they also care about each other! Along with many healthcare facilities across our country, the past few years have been difficult in more ways than we can say. However, through it all we can truly say…Rush Memorial Hospital is a TEAM! This past year saw Rush Memorial Hospital expand facilities and grow our people. We provided training at every opportunity and added new faces to our TEAM…We celebrated every chance we got in 2023 and are so looking forward to 2024! Happiest New Year to EVERYONE ….We are proud & thankful to be part of the trueU community! #weareRUSH #rushmemorialhospital
Quality supplies and lucrative space put to some prolific momentarily use, that's allot of trees
We are celebrating a great 2023 but know we have to get better at radical candor. I want our culture to speak courage and transparency when needed and it is a theme 2024 will help usher in! Looking forward to building confidence and optimism here at CLA as we get ready to crush another year!!
Lots to be proud of here at Gibson, but also a lot that we are still working on! And I think that's what I'd be most proud of. We all realize that "Culture" isn't a finite journey, battle, or race. It's the aspect of our culture that we strive to get 1% better every day. #OwnYourFuture
Kort Builders had a great year of growth and change. We encouraged our people to atapt and change with the times. If you’re not growing and changing, you’re dying. We have done a good job of recoognizing and appreciate our people and their accomplishments. Our caring people are the reason for our success.
Apex Benefits celebrated our 20-year anniversary last year and one thing that continues to remain the same over the years that I am proud of in our BPTW culture is.... we are tenacious caregivers to one another, our clients and our community!
Empowering Businesses Through Culture & People | Chief Culture Officer at trueU & ML Talent Strategies
10moChad Side, CHVP Jak Kramer, ARM Marisa Anderson Kristin Weeden, M.S., SHRM-SCP Kristin Borgert Karina Platacis Traci Ford Bryan Kelley Ken Turro