Amey reposted this
Yesterday, I had the privilege of conducting our first in-person Rail Safe Friendly (RSF) school visit on the Amey @CEFA/CAFA account. Alongside fellow volunteers Emily Green and Michelle Gard, we visited a primary school in York. RSF is part of the Amey Railway 200 celebrations in 2025, marking 200 years of UK Rail. This was a great way to kick off the celebrations and teach children about railway dangers, equipping them with safety skills, and discussing the social and environmental benefits of rail travel. We also introduced various railway job roles to inspire them to consider future careers in Rail. Our visit to Clifton Green Primary School involved presenting the workshop to two Year 6 classes, reaching 55 students. The school welcomed us wholeheartedly, and the children were eager to learn and participate. They asked lots of amazing questions and provided great answers to ours. Every child was engaged, with hands raised, and it's fair to say they had a fantastic time! The Amey “Shout Out” button was a hit, and the students enjoyed using the VR headsets and trying on PPE. I'm confident the learning will be something they remember and share with their friends and families. I'm looking forward to the next visit! #RailSafeFriendly #zerotrespass #shoutout #rail #schoolengagement James Holmes Kevin Shelton Gavin Fulcher Joe Docherty Saint Miles Jonathan Humphries LLB, ChPP, FAPM, MIoL Laura Davies Mark Shreeve Cmgr MCMI,TechIOSH, MAPM Jake Hanson (Learn Live) Stuart Heaton (Learn Live) Kathryn Ogdin (Learn Live) Heather Thompson (Learn Live)
Top work mate. Awesome 👌
This is great to see David!! Thank you for your support of Rail Safe Friendly and a huge shoutout to Michelle Gard for all of your work to promote the safety messages
Well done pal ! Keeping the next generation safe 💪🏽
Top work David Prentice . Happy to support you with the next one
Thank you for your incredible support David
Really good to see the engagement with the next generation. Well done all!
Director of Operations at Learn Live UK
2moThis is great to see! Thank you for all your support with the Rail Safe Friendly Programme. We love seeing these posts!