Feedback-getriebene Produktentwicklung durch User Research | ResearchOps | UX Team Coaching | UX Strategie & Management | Barrierefreiheits-Tests
What to do with all the research everyone is talking about? Step by step! 1. Listening to your Organization: Creating structure means listening to the needs of our organization and gradually building processes. 👇 2. Start with the first simple goal: just talk - with teams and their experiences and requirements for research. Simple first steps can usually be designed together. 🤝 3. Use existing processes and meetings to get research where it belongs - directly to the product team and decision-makers. This is exactly what we do for these people. 🤘 With a clear structure, User Research processes can be efficient and gamechanging. Learn how the right structuring helps you find your way and make data-driven decisions. #UXProcesses #Organisation