KNIFE GATE VALVE WITH V-PORT. One of the option how to control the amount of the air in areation system at WWTP. Needs to try and check result! #AVK#VPORT#WWTP#AIRCONTROL
Interesting approach, Anton Makel. The V-port knife gate valve seems like a promising solution for air control in WWTP aeration systems. Looking forward to hearing about the results.
Multi-turn Auma actuators In compliance with ISO 5210, a multi-turn actuator is capable of withstanding thrust applied to the valve and transmits torque to the valve for at least one revolution. In general, multi-turn actuators are required to perform more than one revolution. Consequently, gate valves are often equipped with rising valve stems. They are operated on the basis of several revolutions performed by the multi-turn actuator. Therefore, the multi-turn actuator is equipped with a hollow shaft housing the gate valve stem for these applications.