Helium isn't just for lifting balloons; it's lifting our security to new heights. Its super-cooling properties clean up noisy signals, leading to more accurate detection and enhancing the sensitivity of submarine detectors. By boosting the effectiveness of these detectors, helium indirectly safeguards millions of lives by keeping our waters secure. This isn't just a technical feat; it's a life-saving measure. #helium #security #submarinedetectors #lifesavingmeasure
Chairman / Director Global Helium Resources Pty Ltd
1yI think that whilst we see report after report on all the uses for helium. Defence equipment is a massive user of helium,not just submarines NASA is one,if not the largest purchaser. Missiles , fighter aircraft and high tech instruments, not to mention All the other weapons that contain sophisticated semi conductors that simply cannot be manufactured without this unique inert and extemly rare gas. Until the last decade, virtually no one explored for helium. They simply relied on finding it iin some natural gas fields. It is only since the depletion of the US supply and the sell off of the BLM that exploration has exploded . Helium content is currently is from LNG fields and contribution to global production are US 0.3% Qatar 0.04% Algeria 0.19%. The Noble Helium green helium project in Tanzania,should it come in will not be associated with hydrocarbons and therefore be green helium and is likely to be be be between 5%and 10% helium with mainly nitrogen which is harmless to our atmosphere Their first well was spudded on 0ctober 27 2023 following 8 years of exhaustive de risking and development. Such potential as this will reduce the geopolitical risks and stabilise supply