Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Santobono-Pausilipon reposted this
The results of our study on the size of jugular foramen in external hydrocephalus in infants are finally online ( Thank you to the patients, to all co-authors, to all the ones who contributed to the clinical care of these patients in the last 20 years at Santobono-Pausilipon Children's Hospital in Naples, to dr Canaz for beautiful figures and to the Fondazione Santobono-Pausilipon for generous funding of the illustrations.
Great work, bone is shaped by the flow, and not the opposite. What about j foramen stenosis in High flow intracranial fistulas?
One more excelent work !!?
Professor and Head of Pediatric Neurosurgery Division
9moGreat work, congratulations