Your wrists deserve the best support this winter! Whether you’re skating, typing, or just enjoying the season, ManuTrain® keeps your wrist stabilized and comfortable for all-day relief. 😀 Stay active and keep doing what you love—pain-free. 💙 To learn more about the wrist brace, visit the website link listed below. 🙌 . . . #bauerfeind #bauerfeindcanada #bauerfeindmedicalcanada #manutrain #wristpain #wristsupport #winter #winterwellness #stayactive #foryourhealth #motionislife #feelthepowerwithin ______ Vos poignets méritent le meilleur soutien cet hiver ! Que vous patiniez, tapiez à la machine ou profitiez simplement de la saison, ManuTrain® maintient votre poignet stabilisé et confortable pour un soulagement tout au long de la journée. 😀 Restez actif et continuez à faire ce que vous aimez - sans douleur. 💙 Pour en savoir plus sur l'orthèse de poignet, visitez le site web indiqué ci-dessous. 🙌
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Perds du poids rapidement. Voici 3 exercices qui peuvent paraître simples, mais qui sont efficaces : 1. Jumping Jack 2. Mountain climbers 3. Steps ups Lequel préfères-tu parmi ceux-ci ?👇 #weightloss #fitnesscoach #fitnesstips
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❄️ Brrr... winter’s cold is upon us, and while it might be tempting to hibernate, your joints are craving some love and attention! But before you hit the ski slopes or grab your snow shovel, we’d like to give you some tips on how to keep your joints jolly. Here are some essential Winter Health Tips from our experts: 1. Warm Up Properly: Always start with a good warm-up before heading out for winter activities. Gentle stretching and light exercises can prepare your muscles and joints for the cold. 2. Dress Appropriately: Keep your joints warm by dressing in layers. Wearing insulated gloves and socks can prevent stiffness and joint discomfort. 3. Stay Safe in Winter Sports: Whether you're skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating, always use the right gear and follow safety guidelines to avoid injuries. Consider taking a lesson to refresh your skills! 4. Manage Joint Pain: Cold weather can make joint pain more noticeable. Use heating pads to soothe sore areas and stay active indoors with low-impact exercises like yoga or swimming. 5. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any unusual pain or discomfort. If you experience persistent issues, consult with a healthcare professional. We'd love to hear from you—what are your top tips for staying active and healthy in winter? Share them in the comments below! ❄️ #WinterHealthTips #OrthopedicCare #AOP #OrthopedicExcellence OrthopedicSurgeons #Orthopedics #PrivateEquity #HealthcareLeadership #AmericanOrthopedicPartners #PracticePartners
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⛷️ Skiing with Artificial Joints – A Balanced Perspective Lindsey Vonn’s story of returning to the slopes after multiple surgeries has ignited discussions about skiing with artificial joints. A recent FAZ article emphasizes the possibilities, but as an orthopedic surgeon, I believe the topic deserves a more nuanced approach. Not all skiing is the same: • Cross-country skiing is low-impact and often suitable for many patients with joint replacements. • Alpine skiing, on the other hand, varies greatly in intensity – from gentle descents to high-speed runs on black diamond slopes. The strain on artificial joints during high-impact alpine skiing can be significant, and while modern implants are durable, they are not indestructible. Careful assessment of a patient’s health, implant type, and skiing conditions is essential to make an informed recommendation. 💡 My take: Skiing after joint replacement can be possible, but it requires a tailored approach. Passion and ambition must be balanced with long-term joint preservation and safety. 👉 My detailed thoughts on this topic can be found in my recent article: Skiing with Artificial Joints – What’s Really Possible? What’s your perspective? Should high-impact sports remain a goal after joint replacement, or do we need clearer boundaries? Let’s discuss! @OrthopedicSurgeons @RehabilitationExperts @JointReplacementSpecialists #Orthopedics #SportsMedicine #Skiing #CrossCountrySkiing #AlpineSkiing #KneeReplacement #ArtificialJoints #JointReplacements #PatientCare #SportsAfterSurgery Arbeitsgemeinschaft Endoprothetik GmbH Prof. Dr. Stephan Kersting, MBA Greifswald University Hospital Robert Hube Rüdiger v. Eisenhart-Rothe Søren Overgaard Jochen G. Hofstaetter Michael Leunig Prof. Dr. med. Peter Aldinger Michael Prof Dr. med. Hirschmann Plamen Kinov Prof. Dr. Mustafa Citak, MD, MBA
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Perds du poids rapidement. Voici 3 exercices qui peuvent paraître simples, mais qui sont efficaces : 1. Jumping Jack 2. Mountain climbers 3. Steps ups Lequel préfères-tu parmi ceux-ci ?👇 #weightloss #fitnesscoach #fitnesstips
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👉🏻Vous voulez ameliorer votre circulation sanguine et récupération pré-post exercice? 👉🏻Voici une série de 3 vidéos pré et/ou post exercices à effectuer avec un rouleau mousse ( foam roller) lors des 3 disciplines suivantes : 🏊♀️ nage, 🚴♀️ vélo et 🏃♀️ course à pieds. 👉🏻Mise à jour: Les rouleaux en mousse (ou "foam rollers") sont utilisés en thérapie physique, en musculation et en récupération pour aider à améliorer la mobilité et réduire les douleurs musculaires. Plusieurs études scientifiques ont exploré leurs effets, notamment en termes de récupération et prévention des blessures. 1. Réduction des douleurs musculaires: Une étude publiée dans le « Journal of Athletic Training » a montré que l'auto-massage à l'aide d'un rouleau en mousse peut réduire la sensation de douleur musculaire et améliorer la performance fonctionnelle après un exercice intense. 2. Amélioration de la mobilité: Une étude dans le « Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research » a révélé que l'utilisation d'un rouleau en mousse combinée à des étirements statiques peut améliorer l'amplitude de mouvement sans affecter la force musculaire. 3. Effets sur la performance musculaire: Les effets sur la performance, tels que la force ou la puissance musculaire, sont moins évidents à démontrer jusqu’à ce jour. 4. Circulation sanguine et récupération: Une étude dans le « Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies » a révélé que l'auto-massage avec un rouleau en mousse augmente temporairement la circulation sanguine locale, ce qui peut aider à réduire la fatigue musculaire et accélérer la guérison des microtraumatismes liés à l'effort physique. 5. Prévention des blessures: Bien que les données soient moins claires, certaines études suggèrent que l'utilisation régulière d'un rouleau en mousse peut aider à prévenir les blessures en augmentant la flexibilité des tissus mous. Conclusion Le rouleau en mousse est un outil efficace pour réduire les douleurs musculaires, améliorer la mobilité et potentiellement accélérer la récupération après l'exercice. #cluborange #triathlon #chiroaxion #foamroller
'' Foam Roller '' Triathlon Natation
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Here are some tips for staying fit in the winter: Dress warmly: Wear layers of clothing, including a synthetic material against your skin, a hat, scarf, and gloves. If it's raining or snowing, wear a waterproof jacket. Protect your feet: Wear non-skid, rubber-soled shoes with low heels to prevent slipping. Warm up: Before exercising, stretch and do some light activities to warm up. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids. Plan ahead: Check the weather forecast and plan your activities. Stay motivated: Set small, achievable goals, exercise with others, and reward yourself. Be careful in the snow: Check sidewalks for ice and black ice before using them. Choose the right activities: Try outdoor activities like brisk walking, hiking, jogging, running, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, raking leaves, or shoveling snow. You can also try indoor activities like rock wall climbing, swimming, or indoor sports. Limit exposure: Cold weather can put you at risk of hypothermia, so try to limit your exposure. #WinterFitness
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Là route sera longue pour retrouver mon rythme sous 4,45 mais la sa progresse dans le bon sens. Zéro arrêt course, Zéro douleurs blessures suivis médicale toujours présent 😁 #trainingmotivation #training #coaching #coachsportif #trailrunning #trail #staystrong #nevergiveup #anythingispossible #ironmantraining #thriatlon #thriathlontraining #runningmotivation #running #Alsace #happy #bike #cyclisme #triathlontraining #triathlonmotivation #swimbikerun #nage #natation #brooks #newbalance #rebook #boost #musculation #muscu #addict
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Here are some tips for staying fit in the winter: Dress warmly: Wear layers of clothing, including a synthetic material against your skin, a hat, scarf, and gloves. If it's raining or snowing, wear a waterproof jacket. Protect your feet: Wear non-skid, rubber-soled shoes with low heels to prevent slipping. Warm up: Before exercising, stretch and do some light activities to warm up. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids. Plan ahead: Check the weather forecast and plan your activities. Stay motivated: Set small, achievable goals, exercise with others, and reward yourself. Be careful in the snow: Check sidewalks for ice and black ice before using them. Choose the right activities: Try outdoor activities like brisk walking, hiking, jogging, running, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, raking leaves, or shoveling snow. You can also try indoor activities like rock wall climbing, swimming, or indoor sports. Limit exposure: Cold weather can put you at risk of hypothermia, so try to limit your exposure. #WinterFitness
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Séance focus quadriceps 🔥 Si vous cherchez à renforcer vos cuisses, cette vidéo est faite pour vous 🫵🏼 Que vous soyez débutant ou confirmé, ces mouvements sont modulables selon votre niveau. 💬 dîtes moi en commentaire quel est votre exercice préféré pour les quadriceps ! #quadriceps #gym #sportalamaison #geneve #fitnessmotivation #legday #workout #hometraining #coachsportif #domicilgym #coachalamaison #goals2025 #sport #renforcement
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Here are some tips for staying fit in the winter: Dress warmly: Wear layers of clothing, including a synthetic material against your skin, a hat, scarf, and gloves. If it's raining or snowing, wear a waterproof jacket. Protect your feet: Wear non-skid, rubber-soled shoes with low heels to prevent slipping. Warm up: Before exercising, stretch and do some light activities to warm up. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids. Plan ahead: Check the weather forecast and plan your activities. Stay motivated: Set small, achievable goals, exercise with others, and reward yourself. Be careful in the snow: Check sidewalks for ice and black ice before using them. Choose the right activities: Try outdoor activities like brisk walking, hiking, jogging, running, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, raking leaves, or shoveling snow. You can also try indoor activities like rock wall climbing, swimming, or indoor sports. Limit exposure: Cold weather can put you at risk of hypothermia, so try to limit your exposure. #WinterFitness
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