It was a very great honour to chair Health Service Executive Patient and Public Partnership Conference yesterday. What a great day! I've been reflecting and noticing some common messages with my learning from #ICIC24 International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC). Both conferences have highlighted essential truths for me: that language matters and shapes our reality, and that strong relationships have the power to drive meaningful change. The words we choose can empower or exclude, making it critical that partnerships with patients and the public are authentic, not merely symbolic or a check box to be ticked.
A key message was the need for genuine inclusion. True inclusion means more than just inviting people to the table; it means co-creating the agenda with them, actively seeking out those voices that are often silenced or overlooked.
Trust was another recurring word. Building trust requires reciprocity; true partnership thrives on mutual give-and-take. People deserve more than consultation; they deserve co-creation. Trust is earned through honest, transparent, respectful exchanges, fostering genuine collaboration.
The conference was filled with passion and optimism for a better future. This wasn’t blind hope, but belief in the potential for change through shared learning and growth. The enthusiasm from participants was inspiring, driven by a shared desire to challenge the status quo. The journey toward better care is one we must take together. True partnerships mean learning from each other, patients and professionals alike. This mutual learning fosters humility and drives innovation.
In both #HSEPPP and #ICIC24, the message was clear: through inclusive partnerships, grounded in trust and optimism, we can create a healthcare system that truly leaves no one behind #teamofus
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