Major fires have spread through the world’s only breeding site of the Endangered Zino’s Petrel. 🔥 Endemic to Madeira, Zino’s Petrel was considered extinct until as recently as the late 1960s, when a breeding colony was discovered. They build nests in small burrows above 1,600m in altitude – the exact area affected by recent fires that caused extensive damage to some 5,000 hectares of land.🌳 “Even if the adults have survived, this year's reproductive success is seriously affected, since these birds only lay one egg per year.”🥚 “It will take decades of work to restore what was lost. And it is imperative to improve regional planning, to prevent history from repeating itself,” stresses the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA – BirdLife in Portugal). Read more on the event here 👉 #Endangered #Seabirds #Fire #BirdLifeInternational #Endemic
So sad... 😰
Environmental Consultant - Avian and Wildlife Ecology - Agile Project Management
1moOh no!!! Are the fires under control? I worked for over a decade on conservation of Hawaii's seabirds and understand how these catastrophic events could decimate nests and populations. I hope they are ok.