Think a bad past performance rating would remove a vendor from winning a contract? Think again. In a protest we covered in our G2Xchange Deadly Sins of BD Capture this past Monday (you should have been there!) with Brian Lindholm and Alexa Tsui a vendor based their protest on the fact that the incumbent who won had poor past performance that should have taken them out of the winning. Do you agree? GAO didn’t. At the end of the day, the Goverment has latitude to make their decision and poor past performance is not the entire story. #smallbusiness #business #govcon #govcom #governmentcontracting #gao #protest
Concur with GAO. Past performance is just one evaluation factor to be considered. Depending on how the evaluation criteria are weighted/ranked in the solicitation, past performance may not have been a significant factor compared to the technical factors or price. Also, so long as a CO can justify the business decision in the Source Selection Memo, then it should be good! 👍🏻
This one is so common 🤣🤣
In my experience supporting acquisitions, Past Performance has never been the most important factor, and rarely the second most important.
GovCon is a wild ride!
My company helps chronically homeless veterans find housing and provide wraparound services to keep them housed.
6moNo I don't agree. If the agency overlooked the bad PP, who am I to say they shouldn't? Question though: How would another contractor know what the awardee's CPARS is?