Buckeye Transplant Services’ Post

It’s #NationalKidneyMonth and we are doing our best to help our #OPO and #Transplant partners to utilize as many precious gifts of life as possible. #Organ procurement organizations have worked with record numbers of families to offer them an opportunity to make meaning from tragedy. In that process more transplants were done last year than ever before. Still, it is no secret that while OPOs have offered the opportunity to #donate more successfully than ever, there has been a corresponding trend in increased kidney discards/non-utilization. At #BuckeyeTransplantServices we are coming up with #innovative and #data driven #solutions for our partners. As proud members of the #OPTN we are working toward a better tomorrow where everyone who needs a transplant gets one. The best tomorrow starts today and today on the first day of national kidney month we promise to do our best day in and day out to be the change we seek! Come see what we are all about at www.buckeyetransplant.com and be part of a team/family that is making a difference! #BuckeyeTransplant #Buckeye #BTS #DonateLife

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