Agency Life, Wrapped!
So all that's left is for you to comment. Do that quickly and we are sorted.
Hope to meet y'all in 2025.
Letssss goooooo
#agencylife at #buffalosoldiers
President & CEO BBDO MW. Building, leading, and coaching teams that are passionate about developing creative ideas to change the way consumers think, feel and act!
Dealing with this cold Syndey wealth it makes me wish I was on a beach just like Rhonda here.
AAMI’s Rhonda and Ketut ad became one of Australia’s most memorable campaigns.
The relatable characters and emotional storytelling.
By connecting with the audience through humor, romance, and cultural references, it transformed insurance ads into something people genuinely loved. The long-term engagement and consistent messaging around safe driving made this campaign an unforgettable success.
A great reminder that storytelling and emotional connection are key to building lasting brand loyalty and why telling your customer stories is so important when speaking to your ideal client.
Part 2 of 4 with Stranger Agency 💙
Hear what Gaby, the founder of Stranger Agency, has to say about hiring professionals vs. using your friends to model. She also breaks down what usage fees are -a term everyone in the agency world should be familiar with!
Follow along for more valuable insights and knowledge of the industry in part 3.
Bit late to the party BUT we’ve got around to discussing and writing out our goals for 2025!
Inspired by Izzie Rose (nee Wilson)'s post, we decided to also put our list for 2025 on here for accountability. So here goes:
1️⃣ We will specialise more in the outdoor, nature and environmental sectors, these projects are the kind we are most passionate about. ⛰️
2️⃣ Create films for worthwhile causes, even if it means not making as much money in some cases. We want to tell stories that have a positive impact for people and or our planet 📽️
3️⃣ Work with more new clients and expand our film / content offering for existing clients 🔀
4️⃣ Connect with more creatives and to collaborate more. 👯
5️⃣ Shout out more about our achievements (too often we’re guilty of playing it cool) 🍾
6️⃣ Growth - we WILL do everything we can to double our 2024 turnover 🪴
7️⃣ Say ‘NO’ to more projects that don’t align with our core values 🫷
Let's make it happen!!!!
Sr. Graphic || UI Designer
2moGreat 👍🏻