Center for International Private Enterprise’s Post

We couldn’t agree more with Kristalina Georgieva – the time is now to expand economic stability through economic opportunity. Let’s support #governments in creating environments that help private sectors everywhere create jobs and reduce poverty. CIPE champions innovation, reform, and smart regulations that help global markets thrive.

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Kristalina Georgieva Kristalina Georgieva is an Influencer

Managing Director at International Monetary Fund

Global growth needs a boost through higher productivity, and entrepreneurship is key. The private sector drives creativity and innovation, and policymakers must focus on improving the business environment: from cutting red tape and increasing competition, to rewarding innovation, strengthening education systems and deepening capital markets so that promising start-ups can reach commercial viability while the industries of yesterday adapt to new realities. At the IMF we are setting up a new Advisory Council on Entrepreneurship and Growth to develop ideas to ease barriers, fuel innovation, and drive productivity. My piece in The Washington Post describes why better productivity growth will mean better prospects for people and ultimately a more stable, peaceful world.

Opinion | To restore global growth, ease barriers for entrepreneurs

Opinion | To restore global growth, ease barriers for entrepreneurs

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