What advice would you give to a CoS or an aspiring CoS?
Here is what Stephania Greco shared:
- speak up
- learn how to prioritize
- get to know your executive
- focus on team performance vs your own
And what's like one piece of advice that you share to a chief of staff or an aspiring chief of staff? Well, definitely learn how to prioritize big rocks versus small rocks. Get to know your executive and know their priorities and what they need, what they're lacking, whether it's lacking a little bit or their weaknesses, so that you can actually reinforce them and perform better. Don't focus only on your performance, but focus on the team's performance. How can you make that better? How can you reinforce the values? Speak up. Don't be scared to speak up. If you feel like something's flaky, don't keep it to yourself. If you don't speak, nobody will. So as a chief of staff, you have to be the drummer and make sure everybody follows the rhythm. OK? And like, are we going to play the drums right now? Like how?