The most successful collaborative decision making processes (CDMPs) we support are those work groups and task forces that make time to learn from experts, those with lived experience & those most affected by the underlying systems. As this subcommittee starts to develop their recommendations, we are grateful for Ms. Elenis' time & the commitment of task force members to develop the most powerful, consensus based recommendations informed by the broadest possible input during the process.
Pres., Confluence Policy & Strategy Group. Facilitator, Negotiator & Strategist. Executive Coach. Fmr Corp Finance & V.C., Fmr I.C.
The CADA Rewrite Subcommittee of the Task Force on the Rights of Coloradans with Disabilities is tasked with making recommendations for revising the CO Anti-Discrimination Act. At today's meeting, members engaged w/Aubrey Elenis, Director of the CO Civil Rights Division (CCRD) to better understand the Division's role & processes. More info on the broad work of the 1296 Task Force: