Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this panel discussion. Our topic for today is Harnessing the power of AI in cloud Infrastructure for Business agility. Because of connectivity definitely we can't push everything to cloud. We need local TADA, local MES systems, local part and parcel kind of thing. So getting data real time is another challenge in any energy sector where we have very remote location plants. And so if I talk about our company, so be it deploying the Internet lease line or MPLS line firewall, maintaining the dematerialized zone. Consent and then segregating that ITOT security part, then taking all the data, comparing it in terms of so losses maybe because of soiling of losses. So if there is dust on the module right, your generation will go down. I was responsible for taking forward the digital strategic agenda for the population for the last three years, five years in the domain of various emerging technologies, which includes AML all the digital new emerging text like. This study twins then they yeah, Rpas and all those things. And we work very extensively in the manufacturing sector in the form of refineries, automation, the process part, then the marketing side and pipeline side and the all the infrastructure, the supply chain everywhere. We have introduced about 2:30 plus initiatives which are in the space of, you know, various technologies which have emerged today. The sustainability even a is playing a big, big game in helping us make the world more sustainable. And and more equal friend. That said, I have one more point which I want to bring to the table. I although it passed upon it briefly, something that really resonates with me. It's the emphasis on the human centricity in AI adoption. So AI is not about replacing humans, but augmenting our capability and our capacity and our, you know, this sheer scale and size of what humans can't do. Augment that with the help of a As we conclude, I'm reminded of a quote from Albert Einstein's the only thing that interferes with my learning. Is my own education in playing through learning often happens outside formal education and it's in forums such as this that we get to hear from the experience panelists and and learn. So today we have learned learned that AI and cloud infrastructure is not just about technology, but also about empowering businesses to innovate and thrive. So thank you very much panelists for sharing your invaluable insights and expertise with us today. I would also like to convey my sincere thanks to our organizers, Tech Plus Medium and CXO TV for hosting the events. Be curious to keep learning and join us for the next Tech Thursday series events. Goodbye and have a fantastic.