THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA IS COLLAPSING New numbers for the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) are out, and they show that Canada is the first major province of the Anglican Communion to have collapsed, reports The Living Church. This is highly significant, both for Canada and for other Western provinces following its trajectory. Here are the data for average Sunday attendance: 2001 162,000 2017 87,000 2022 65,000 These are truly remarkable numbers. A church already in steep decline saw that decline speed up during COVID. Attendance in 2022 was 40 percent of attendance in 2001. And between 2017 and 2022, the ACoC lost a quarter of its Sunday attendance. TO READ MORE CLICK HERE:
It's worries to hear this decrease, what are causes?God helps we are praying
Retired Principal of Kingsmen Consultants (undertakes voluntary consulting & research)
6moA very tragic example of doing God's Work mankind's way, instead of God's Way in obedience to Jesus's Great Commission --- (as Hudson Taylor alluded to in His renowned caption).