It does matter who we vote for, our vote is one of our most powerful and underestimated (so misused) currencies that we have. Today I'm voting for Natalie Campbell as our next Mayor of London and dearly hope 1.8 million Londoners will vote for the same solution orientated candidate as me. Let's elect a Mayor who doesn't just occupy space but matters. Both Labour & Conservative are bereft of ideas and Londoners deserve solutions. Today we have the opportunity of using our political (but often misused) currency to deliver genuine tactical and strategic change that will practically impact the housing crises, the Metropolitan police failings (including the abuses of rogue behaviour) and small business growth. Let's elect Natalie Campbell, so in four years time London doesn't reflect its sorry state today and it returns to punching way above its weight to benefit us 💡 #Vote4NatalieCampbell
Social Entrepreneur leading companies, communities and conversations that inspire people to feel good, do good and live better.
One chance. One day. It can change everything. Get out and vote.