My Top 3 learnings for export/business showrooms (re-share these simple ideas so others don't take 25years to learn this!)
Our export showroom in Delhi gets superlative feedback from clients big and small (this fun photo from yesterday, which has become my signature shot to take after visiting 4 floors of product display!). There have been some profound learnings along the last 25years of having moved 4 showrooms, each time for an upgrade.
Obvious stuff once you read it, but my buyer and buying agency friends could say about how often they don't see this happen in real businesses:
1. Invest in ARCHITECTURE and design: it sets the base layer of impression on the mental wall of your clients. Not to go overboard, but don't get into the trap of "my product is the hero" - sure it is, but heros also need good screenplay for films to be successful. LIGHTING is key!! Clean and comfortable toilets, a decent arrival space, good international style coffee, reliable aircon etc you know it all, but sometimes we miss the obvious. Marketing comes before the selling - remember? No second chances to make the first impression- remember??
2. ORGANIZED displays by themes/looks/category. Buyers have very little time and their time needs to be respected and utilized by you. Our job too, not just theirs. We organize rug displays in groups, not just stacks or racks. Prices have to be ready and product specs on tips! We display about 2000 rugs, but one can walk through those in under 45mins! Without missing a thing! (I have enough people on LI who know this first hand!)
3. Don't CLUTTER with too much product (yes 2000rugs isn't too much if you do what we do and edit well!). If necessary, edit the contents before meetings and have just the max muscle to fat ratio for the display. Removing what can be removed from the showroom is like losing weight for the body. We know by experience what are the "so so" items. Be disciplined about removing those.
I could go on and on, but I would love for you to share your wisdom here which you learned by your experience as a buyer or seller?
#showroom #design #selling #marketing #display #meetings #Exports #architecture
Mixing engineer at 800 Degreez Entertainment
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