President Trump needs ANOTHER miracle to win re-election in November. Hollywood, Google, and the mainstream media have created a momentum around Kamala while hiding and suppressing the truth about who she really is. HOWEVER Our God is a god of miracles. Donald Trump must forget about crowd size and use his authority as a chosen leader to seek and inquire of God. Spiritual battles have their own rules. Please pray that President Trump God will be open to a new approach that includes seeking godly wisdom in every endeavor. If President Trump will seek God and listen and obey, our nation might get a reprieve from the destruction and judgment that a Harris/Walz victory would wreak on the nation and the world. I believe what Trump does or doesn’t do in prayer will have far reaching consequences. Already many bad decisions have been made. We know Satan is the author of confusion. President Trump is in the crosshairs of evil. He cannot defeat evil using campaign consultants who themselves are not attune to God. A new approach is needed.
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President Trump needs ANOTHER miracle to win re-election in November. Hollywood, Google, and the mainstream media have created a momentum around Kamala while hiding and suppressing the truth about who she really is. HOWEVER Our God is a god of miracles. Donald Trump must forget about crowd size and use his authority as a chosen leader to seek and inquire of God. Spiritual battles have their own rules. Please pray that President Trump God will be open to a new approach that includes seeking godly wisdom in every endeavor. If President Trump will seek God and listen and obey, our nation might get a reprieve from the destruction and judgment that a Harris/Walz victory would wreak on the nation and the world. I believe what Trump does or doesn’t do in prayer will have far reaching consequences. Already many bad decisions have been made. We know Satan is the author of confusion. President Trump is in the crosshairs of evil. He cannot defeat evil using campaign consultants who themselves are not attune to God. A new approach is needed.
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Explained in just two words.
CEO at "The Rest Of My Life" It's Official - Retired VP / Business Development, Senior Management now a Battling Parkinsons Warrior
LESSON OF THE DAY... The difference just two letters can make in a word that sounds completely the same can be the difference between right and wrong and carry suffering consequences... As with Trump and Kamaly... the differences are stark and carry great consequences for our country... We have had four prosperous years with one...and four dismal years of suffering with the other... The choice is clear... Trump/ Vance 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲🙏👍❤️💙❤️👍🙏🇺🇲🇺🇲
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Listen to me, and listen to me clearly. I understand that many of you may have major concerns or unrest concerning our nation’s stand on what is happening in Israel and Gaza and President Biden’s response to it. There are issues that I have concerns about as well. However, by you refusing to vote, or not voting to re-elect Biden as President, you are simply placing Donald Trump back in office. Ask yourself, really ask yourself, can our nation, our democracy, our freedom, the rights of people of color…withstand another Trump administration. Be careful that you don’t easily and carelessly squander your power at the ballot box.
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Attempted Assassination at Trump Rally: A Stark Reminder of National Divisions Thank God former President Donald Trump is safe after a harrowing assassination attempt at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024. The suspect, who attempted to attack Trump during his speech, was quickly subdued by Secret Service agents before any harm could be done. This incident starkly reminds us of the dark times in the 1960s when political assassinations were more common. This attempted assassination underscores the urgent need for our nation to confront and address the deep-seated hatred and division that currently plague our political landscape. Political violence and extreme partisanship threaten the very fabric of our democracy. It's a call for unity and healing, a reminder that our political discourse must be grounded in respect and civility. Such violence not only endangers lives but also disrupts the democratic process. This event, tragic as it is, might significantly impact the political landscape, potentially galvanizing support for Trump as the election approaches. However, the focus should not only be on the immediate political repercussions but also on the long-term goal of mending the fractures within our society. Hashtags: #TrumpSafe #HealOurNation #EndPoliticalViolence #UnityNow #StopTheHate
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100 POSTS BY TRUMP ON EASTER Bonus! Jr. lies about President Biden... again! 100 POSTS ON EASTER Trump: "Dems are evil." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are radical Marxists, socialists and communists." - verbatim Trump: "Dems hate America." - verbatim Trump: "Dems want to kill babies after they are born." - verbatim Trump: "Dems will change the name of Pennsylvania." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are flooding our border and polluting the blood of our nation." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are groomers." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are pedophiles." - verbatim Trump: "Dems hate their religion." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are replacing you with dirty immigrants." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are setting me up for fraud, insurrection, sexual assault, and a coup that is not happening that you can read all about it Project 2025." - verbatim Trump: "Dems are the vermin in our country." - verbatim Trump: "Dems want to take your guns, jobs, stoves, fans, m&m's, skittles, Mr. Potato Head, Beer, and meat." - verbatim Biden: "Would you shut up man?" - verbatim MAGA " OMG! Why is Joe Biden so mean to Trump?! Where's the civility. He is the most persecuted personage since Jesus; more persecuted than any other President including Lincoln." - verbatim #maga #trump #biden #victims #proportional #hypocrisy #cult #coup #insurrection #crime #misinformation #propaganda
Trump OBLITERATED by Biden after new OUTBURST
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I've seen a lot of commentary over the past 24hrs about how President Biden should use the SCOTUS decision to implement against Trump what Trump wants to do to the country. As emotionally satisfying as it may be to project back the hatred, violence, and dastardly actions orange convict proposes, it is neither who we are, want to be, or can recover from becoming. In fighting the monster we must never become the monster ourselves. Biden is right to offer the American people the only true and honest path out of this for the perseverance of our republic: We as a people must VOTE to make sure Trump is never allowed near the oval office again. We must work as a nation to put term limits on Supreme Court Justices. We must reverse Dobbs and Chevron to get some semblance of democracy back. We must stand with our allies and partners around the world to counter those who wish to use force to change borders or keep others enslaved. It's up to us, the American People to make this right. We cannot want Biden to be our King just to keep their King out of power. We need to be our own power base. We need to stand for The United States of America. We need to ensure the power of the people remains in the people's hands. This July 4th steel yourself to Vote. Help others prepare to Vote. And protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was horrific; and at the same time not completely unexpected. For almost 8 years, despite his absolute love for America and its people, too many on the left have demonized and attacked him in ways which were in reckless disregard of the truth solely for their corrupt and selfish desire to hold power. Anyone with an ounce of decency could see these lies for what they were; those espousing and supporting them and their attempts to destroy him personally at all costs should be ashamed. Those who stoked the fire are in fact the true threats to our democracy. That being said, it is vital now that this act which took the life of at least one innocent victim and tried to end this great man must cause every person who truly loves this country to stop. Stop the demonization, the lies, the hate, the violence. Stop stoking anger and intolerance. Stop making up stories and inciting anger for selfish gain. This man was president for 4 years. He gave up a life of wealth and privacy he did not need to give up and stood up with strength to make this nation better for all. He has exposed the truth - and many people in their hate attacked him for it. Love him or hate him for his demeanor and tweets, his heart has always been in the right place. Let this event be the wakeup call we need to stop the division and unite as one people, with love and understanding. Let it ignite a renewed beginning. Let it start a return to our American values. An acknowledgment that we are a nation of laws, rules, and constitutional ideals designed to foster respect in the dignity of every single person in this nation and this world. The political process must be accepted by every citizen as encouraging open debate where people can agree to disagree, with respect for all sides; and not the malice which triggered these dastardly deed. If we can't start doing this, we will surely lose the greatest nation on earth.
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The 2024 Presidential Campaign Donald Trump should not be allowed to become President of the United States again. I believe that more than 95% of Americans are decent, God-fearing, and law-abiding people. Yet, in the 2024 presidential campaign, Republicans chose Trump to lead their party. On social media and outlets like Fox News, many seem to regard him as a great person despite his history as a convicted felon, a known liar, and someone driven by greed. Some Evangelical Christians have even called him a saint, which is hard to understand, as his behavior seems far more devilish than saintly. It’s clear that Trump is motivated by fame and personal enrichment, not by concern for the everyday struggles of decent, middle-class Americans. After reading Project 2025, I find the proposals profoundly concerning, as they could plunge the country into chaos and lawlessness, turning America into a weakened state. We must do everything in our power to prevent Trump from returning to the White House and becoming President again.
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words matter. actions follow words. what actions will trump take if he wins? follow his words.
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We may have already lost. The battle, I mean. For democracy. And for goodness. Even if Trump loses the next election, like he lost the last one. Why? Because if democracy, kindness, generosity and good will are in any kind of doubt, if they are ever anything less than the OVERWHELMING choice of the electorate and the citizenry, we have already lost. You don’t win the battle for democracy and goodness with a slim majority and have any chance of retaining that goodness and democracy over the long term. Millions of people who support hatred and ignorance and stupidity and fascism will destroy the country unless they are opposed consistently and openly by the VAST majority of the people. Anything else will fail in the face of the passion of evil. For while love is embracing and inclusive and kind, evil is powerful and unrelenting and unthinkingly devoted to itself. Like Trump. If we hesitate in our opposition to evil and to Trump and to his ideas and intentions and his track record of hatred, we lose. So this election will or will not elect Trump. If it does elect him, I suspect that democracy will die. If it doesn’t, but comes close to doing so, democracy may die. The solution? The solution is America rising up to the bar it has set itself (even if it has so often not met that bar) in terms of morality and freedom and tolerance and goodwill and yes, love. Again, we’ve failed to meet our own stated expectations so often before, but if we do so again this time… I fear for America’s survival.
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