WE all learned.. Health and wise investments are a prerequisite for any running Economy. Capacity if leader IS to anticipate and to Prevent any outbreak... Majority of today’s global diseases requires accessible healthcare and infrastructures.. Past global and national public health policies in the developing world have usually been disease specific, focusing on treating the single problem (such as the tuberculosis, HIV or malaria programmes) and not on strengthening the healthcare system and providing access to care... To rebuild Trust Would be another of our challenges.. Surgery is a pillar of the health system. Every human being may need basic to life-saving surgical care in his or her lifetime and only a strong healthcare system with improved surgical care capacity can support true universal health coverage and lead to sustainable national development. Surgery involves more than a single discipline and more than the sheer cutting and stitching up of human flesh and bone. It is an essential part of basic care, but it remains inaccessible and unaffordable for many people around the world.
"What is the most important fact we learned about Anthony Fauci?" Watch Peter McCullough, MD, MPH answer on Fox News TV with Laura Ingraham and House Select Subcommittee Chairman Dr. Brad Wenstrup. #MFEducation