Clinical Psychologist and Director of DGA, an expert witness and medico legal psychology service for family, criminal and civil law
Prisons are high on the political agenda and there are many problems. Three areas in particular that I would like to see change in following on from my experiences completing expert witness work are: 1. The over-representation of black, asian and ethnic minority communities. 2. Reducing the harm caused to children who have parents in prison. 3. Addressing the high rates of mental health problems in prisoners. Below are links to 3 key documents that pertain to each of these issues and are useful for any professional having contact with prisons. 1.The Lammy Review (2017) A key finding was that, at the time, 25% of the adult UK prison population were from black, asian and ethnic minority communities (over 40% for youth offending institutions) despite only representing 14% of the population. 2. The effects of parental imprisonment on children The research of Murray and Farrington (2008) highlighted the serious impact imprisoning parents has on most children. 3. The Bradley Review (2009) This highlighted the extremely high rates of serious mental health and other issues such as substance misuse an learning disabilities amongst prison populations (particularly those on remand) and examined ways to divert individuals from prisons. Should you wish to make an enquiry for a psychological assessment please call 01707 594 001 or email #prisons #crime #criminallaw #parentalimprisonment #psychology #legalaid #expertwitness