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The Trump administration has created chaos across the world by suspending US-funded projects, even on-going ones l, which are based on legally binding contracts. Very problematic and also business-unfriendly.We are also affected. More infos below.
International Contracts & Grants|Compliance| Business Systems| Reducing Waste & Fraud in foreign aid delivery since 1996
If you implement both contracts and grants for #USAID, having the right templates on hand is critical for handling Suspension of Work (SWO) scenarios effectively. Here’s a quick checklist of essential templates you should have ready to speed up processing: For #USAID Contracts 📄 Response to SWO (to the Contracting Officer): Include estimated costs that cannot be suspended, reasons, reasonable efforts taken, and cost analysis (e.g., demob/remob, local labor laws). Reserve the right to request additional equitable adjustments/extensions after the SWO. 📄 SWO Letter to Cost-Reimbursable Subcontractors: Outline procedures for requesting reimbursement for ongoing costs. Refer to subcontract clauses to clarify their rights. 📄 SWO Letter to Fixed-Price Subcontractors: Inform them that interim SWO costs are not reimbursed. Reference clauses for handling REAs after the SWO is lifted or termination is terminated. 📄 SWO for Grants Under Contracts (GUCs): Use 2 CFR 700.14 (for US) or Standard Provision M.10 (for non-U.S. recipients). 📄 SWO for Fixed Amount Awards (FAAs): For U.S. recipients: Use 2 CFR 700.14. For non-U.S. recipients: There is no Standard Provision in FAAs for suspension and 2 CFR 700 does not apply. Negotiate suspension terms now to avoid termination as the default option. 📄 SWO for Consultants: Use the suspension clauses in their contracts. If none exist, negotiate a no-cost pause or terminate if necessary. Under #USAID Cooperative Agreements and Grants: 📄 Response to Suspension Notice (to the Agreement Officer): Include estimated costs that cannot be suspended, reasons, reasonable efforts taken, and cost analysis (e.g., demob/remob, local labor laws). Reserve the right to request additional equitable adjustments/extensions after the SN 📄 SN Letter to Cost-Reimbursable Subawardees: Reference 2 CFR 700.14 (U.S.) or Standard Provision M.10 (non-U.S.). Outline procedures for reimbursable ongoing costs. 📄 SN Letter to Fixed Amount Subawardees: Follow the GUC guidance above. 📄 SWO for Consultants: Same as under contracts—use suspension clauses in consultant agreements or negotiate new ones instead of total termination or terminate. 📄 SWO for Vendors (Procurement contracts) - use the contract clauses to stop work or terminate depending on your negotiations with the AO. Always consult your compliance or legal advisors. This post is for general information only.
Director at the Hertie School (Executive Education) | Adjunct Faculty (Public International Law)
1moExtending a hug to a co-affected sub-grantee :(