30 is the new 20 ? Right ??
30 Years Today ! To this day, 30 years ago, a 21 year old Eddie McGovern took his Coles 3033 to Nottingham Incinerator Plant to start it's very first job, with all of his and close family savings and contributions put into the crane just 15 Gallons of diesel (@£19.04) is what could be afforded that day to get the crane working. The following day the crane needed jump starting and a Hydraulic hose went on the crane, what a great start ! but, with the help of our still close friend Simon Mellor whom fixed the crane onsite that day Eddie was able to get back to work and Simon left it that payment would be made once we was on our feet and in a suitable position to do so. Even our customer, including the late Gary Dewberry, also paid for the hydraulic oil, a deed never forgotten to this day. A few month later Eddies father, Thomas McGovern left his previous employment (as it just wasn't financially viable to both leave together) and the Company acquired the second crane, a TMS250. The rest, they say, is history. A big thankyou to our employees and customers, past and present for being there over the years to help make E.J. McGovern Crane Hire the company it is today. #30years #heritage #family #business #history #cranehire
Mobil crane /slinger/ lift supervisor/ a/p and Potc op and also I am an Nvq accessor at Nationwide plant solutions
2wWhat a lovely story