Enrico Bianchessi’s Post

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Tech PR&Content - Media Relations Consultant

Centralized PR? No thanks. I often, in the course of new business activities, come into contact with foreign companies who, to my proposal to activate a content marketing & media relations activity in Italy, reply that they manage PR directly from their headquarters, without the support of any local agency. The myth of centralization of PR activities is based on two pillars: control and efficiency. That of control is a craze that is frankly unjustified. It is not clear why entrusting a professional with the task of localizing and distributing centrally created content to the media should introduce any distortions and errors. A professional does not willingly introduce unapproved content of his own accord. Nothing goes out of control, just choose a true communications professional. Control is a false problem. Let's turn to efficiency. According to those who embrace centralization, the fact of being able to send content to media around the world through, say, a single automated service, would represent a significant savings by avoiding paying local agencies for the rest of the world. It would seem logical, except that the whole argument lacks a rather significant pillar: effectiveness. That is, results, coverage. Because the services on which centralization relies give absolutely disappointing results compared to professional local media relations management. And I can support this based on two facts. The first is direct experience with a number of clients who have switched precisely from centralization to local consulting. The second is that the criterion by which I choose companies to approach as potential clients is precisely a media presence that seems to me unsatisfactory compared to the potential, and in many cases the response I receive is what you imagine: “Communication is centralized...” In summary: spending little to get almost nothing is frankly not a cost-effective operation, because the business value constituted by a continuous and effective presence of a brand and its solutions in the target media is surely 100 times the so-called “savings” achieved. A professional local agency offers companies a wealth of specific knowledge about the media, journalists, their specific needs, how to deal with various issues and topics, languages, and all this brings valuable visibility, which is what business actually needs. #PR #TechPR #mediarelations #centralization #ICT #IT #visibility #businesscommunications #globalcommunication

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