“At most, this implies that the Bay Area should plan together for higher amounts of sea level rise, since regional action will have some minor effects,” shared Senior Engineering Hydrologist Matt Brennan with the KneeDeep Times Magazine. Check out the following article featuring Matthew and Wetlands and Estuaries Director Michelle Orr who spoke to the Times about new insights into flood management and sea level rise planning in the San Francisco Bay! #SeaLevelRise #FloodManagement #SeaLevelRiseAdaptation #SeaWall #NatureBasedShoreline
As sea levels rise across the Bay Area, some communities are building sea walls to protect themselves, while others have remained exposed and vulnerable to flooding. In recent years, fears of cross-bay flooding have grown. But a closer look at the science shows that protecting one area doesn’t necessarily condemn another. https://buff.ly/3SSyYfq Art: Liana Finck Chart: Hummel & Stacey 2020 Photo: Dave Halsing