Yesterday, we welcomed Tracy Hall to our offices for our first Thrive Behaviour Bites session. The topic was financial wellness, fraud and how to avoid a scam. Tracy captivated everyone by sharing her personal story of being a victim of fraud when she discovered the man she thought she was in love with, was in fact a serial conman. Tracy explained how fraud crimes are often measured in numbers but have a huge emotional toll on victims, which is not measured. She also shared many tips and tricks on what to look out for if you are feeling financially vulnerable, believing we all need to become better at talking money. Ultimately, our financial security is our responsibility. Tracy’s story has featured in a podcast, Who the hell is Hamish? and in a tell-all book, The Last Victim. After hearing a small snippet of Tracy’s journey this morning, we encourage everyone to add these to their must listen / read lists! You can also check out some of the tips and tricks here: Thank you, Tracy, for sharing your story and living with bold curiosity. We appreciate that you are keeping the conversation going to prevent this happening to others. Aimee Buchanan Pippa Berlocher Matt Scotton Sophie Price Poorani Adewole Stephanie Douglas-Neal Chris Hitchcock Jack Graham
Go Tracy Hall!
So happy to see this Tracy Hall Aimee Buchanan!
Client Communications Partner
1moWhat a great session. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I can't wait to read the book.