See #StormÉowyn's winds sweep over Ireland and the UK from 10:00-14:00 UTC today in this video created with images from EUMETSAT’s #Meteosat-12 weather satellite. #StormEowyn
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In the wake of the catastrophic events in Valencia, I checked if and how those floodings can be seen in SAR satellites. This image shocked me. It is a multitemporal mosaic of Copernicus Sentinel-1A images over the Valencia region. Red and yellow areas show the flooded regions on the 26 and 31 october. See for instance: - The flooded channels of the normally tiny Turia river. - The Albufera region almost completely flooded in a few days. - How strong can be VV backscattering drop over flooded regions...
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This picture marks a historic moment for Hydrosat: the lift-off of our first thermal satellite measuring crop temperatures (launched on SpaceX’s Transporter 11 Mission)… using imagery from our VanZyl-1 satellite and our upcoming constellation, we will continue to help farmers across the world to improve water productivity
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Space weather is a problem for smallsat operators. To protect assets, we will need to monitor and understand activity as well as improve predictions. We are planning to add sensors to our Hurricane Hunter Satellite constellation to collect in-situ measurements of space weather. Not only does this have the potential to extend our satellite mission but it will allow us to improve our understanding of how space weather impacts terrestrial weather. Except for GOES, we will be the only weather sats collecting both terrestrial and space weather data. Read all about NOAA's new space weather scale here: I am thrilled that Meredith Garofalo and are reporting on #SpaceWeather regularly. NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Tzu-Wei Fang Erik T. Long Orbotic Systems Inc Tropical Weather Analytics, Inc.
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⛈️🌀 Extreme weather can have devastating impacts, so accurate data are crucial for the protection of life and property. Together, our Meteosat and Metop satellites provide imagery and detailed global observations, essential for weather forecasting up to 10 days ahead. Learn more:
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Arctic Weather Satellite lifts off to set the stage for better forecasts, ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite has been launched, paving the way for a potential constellation of satellites that would provide more frequent data not only to enhance short-term weather forecasts for Arctic nations, but for the world as a whole., : ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite has been launched, paving the way for a potential constellation of satellites that would provide more frequent data not only to enhance short-term weather
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🌊 Something that will astound me is how lucky we are to have satellite data in order to track severe weather and catastrophes on the ground. The flooding in Italy that happen Sunday is here visualized by 2 images taken on the 13th and 20th of this month. The areas in blue are water that has been detected by the Sentinel 1 satellite from the European Space Agency. Data like this is what we're bringing into, protecting communities and business alike with historical and forecasted threat data.
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Cosmic radiation is composed of high-energy particles originating from the sun and outside our solar system. At cruising altitudes, especially on long-haul and polar flights, passengers and crew are exposed to higher levels of this radiation due to reduced atmospheric protection As our understanding of space weather improves, there's a growing need for better monitoring and protection strategies. #spaceweather
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No need to look up, but somewhere above the clouds NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s latest weather satellite, GOES-U, is traveling to geostationary orbit with our Advanced Baseline Imager on board. 👀 Once there, it will undergo a series of post-launch testing to prepare it to share early and accurate weather information. #GOESU
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The third Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite was launched on 5 December on a Vega-C rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana: a key step in restoring Europe’s independent access to Space and in monitoring climate change. Sentinel-1 data contributes to numerous Copernicus services and applications, including Arctic sea-ice monitoring, iceberg tracking, routine sea-ice mapping and glacier-velocity measurements. Sentinel-1 data are freely available via the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. 👉
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Project Manager | Systems Engineer